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Serie Edificios de Sevilla
Tinta y acuarela sobre papel Bristol.

En Sevilla me inspiré en el contraste entre lo viejo y lo nuevo, lo magnífico y lo decrépito, lo glorioso y lo mundano. Me atraían las escenas y los edificios donde se podía ver claramente el palimpsesto de Sevilla, donde la historia de la ciudad (ya sea romana, árabe, renacentista o del siglo XX) y su singular estilo visual chocaron con su presente a través de grafitis, cables, carteles, etc.


A watercolor and ink drawing of the facade of a building in an old city, Sevilla, Spain. The building is yellow and green and has balconies. The street is cobblestoned. The sign of a bar or pub reads "Los Claveles" and there are advertisements for wines in Spanish. Grafitti covers the doors of the bar or pub.

bar los claveles

A watercolor and ink drawing of the facade of a building in an old city, Sevilla, Spain, calle Feria. The building is yellow and rust brown and has balconies with roll-up blinds. The street is cobblestoned. There is a street lamp. Two small businesses have signs with wrought-iron railings. One says "Muebles" and the other "Cafe Moma". Grafitti covers the doors of the businesses, including a yellow bear and a yellow X.

Muebles - Café Moma (Calle Feria)

Watercolor and ink drawing of an old building in Sevilla, Spain. The building is a church with a brick and stone moorish tower and dome. The main building has whitewashed walls and terracotta shingles. The outline of a palm tree is visible as is a stop sign and crosswalk.

Iglesia de Santa Catalina

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